Employers face years of uncertainty


Employers fear they are facing years of uncertainty following the UK’s decision to leave the European Union. The decision means many employers with EU workers, or those who have offices in EU countries, potentially face the introduction of costly new policies, as well as major changes to the way the UK reacts to European court decisions in employment cases. Reflecting on the vote the Recruitment and Employment Confederation says that in sectors such as healthcare, education, hospitality, construction and manufacturing, workers from the EU are vital and calls on any changes to the immigration to reflect that. Meanwhile, Migrate UK, a specialist immigration law firm, has said that thousands of existing EU workers may no longer qualify to work in the UK if they fail to qualify under the points-based system we currently use for workers from outside the EU. XpertHR’s Susie Munro believes that employers now face years of uncertainty. “The length of time it will take to negotiate exit terms means that the real impact on employment law will be decided at the next general election, in May 2020”.

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