DNDLAW Probate News – Landed gentry family change inheritance rules

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A family who have lived in the same stately home for 300 years are believed to have become the first landed gentry to change the inheritance rules of a trust to pass their estate to gay descendants. The Pemberton family, who own Trumpington Hall, Cambridgeshire, say they “owe a moral obligation” to future generations to grant the same rights to civil partners and same-sex spouses. Last week Richard Pemberton, who lives at the hall with his wife Helen, and three children, won approval for the changes at the High Court. It means any future gay partner will have a life interest in Trumpington Hall after the death of their spouse or civil partner. Anne Walley, head of trusts and estates at Hibberts solicitors, said: “As far as we are aware, this seems to be the first case regarding the recognition of civil partnerships in varying or attempting to vary pre-existing trust arrangements.

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